
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Didn't Even Remember I Didn't Post - Missed a Day

I woke up Monday with a migraine and sat in the chair all day with my eyes closed trying not to be sick. I took some pills at some point and felt well enough to pay a bill and eat something. 

I then fell asleep in the chair, woke about 9:30 and climbed into bed. I woke in the night for a few hours tired and finally fell back to sleep waking up after 11 a.m. 

I texted my friend who had started texting me after 8 a.m. telling her I just woke and would be over to help her. It wasn't until that point that I remembered I hadn't written a blog post for today. I think that has only ever happened once before that I didn't remember. There have been a few times where I chose not to post, but not actually forgotten about it! 

If you know me, you have to know how out of it I was because I went to bed two nights in a row without doing my dishes! I woke today to a sink full of dishes. Ok, it isn't a sink full but for me, living alone, it is more than I ever have in the sink unless I am baking. I usually won't go to bed until the dishes are done. 

So, I am catching up this morning / afternoon on this post and am headed over to help my friend. I hope you are having a blessed day!

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