
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cleaning Out More Cupboards

I feel like my life is going a million miles an hour sometimes, and other times, I find myself stuck with some slow moments, but I have so much on my "to do" list, that I don't even know where to start on the list. 
Sometimes when I have a day like that, I just avoid the "to do" list altogether. I find myself cleaning out something that really doesn't matter just so I don't have to face the larger items on the list. Today was one such day. 

I started cleaning out my medicine cupboard. I had a bottle of prescription medication in there from about 25 years ago! I had premature labor with Princess Four and had some medication in there from that! 

I also had several jars of grain barley / chicory drinks that are coffee substitutes. I have been gluten free for 7 years or so and my girls don't like that drink so those jars are extremely old. I decided it was good to organize and clean out those things. 

A few years ago, I started keeping some tulle in the kitchen to put on gifts and tie up gift bags as I am one to take dried fruit to many people all year long. I kept them in a bag on a top shelf where I could pull them down but it wasn't in the easiest spot. 

I decided today to pull out the unused items and to put the tulle in the cupboard where I can pull it out easily as I got a wedding invitation dropped off at my home today. I had to pull out the tulle to tie up the gift bag where I put the wedding gift! I figured I use the Tulle more than I have used any of those medication other than the four I regularly use, so I decided to put the tulle into the lower and easier to get to cupboard. 

Seriously, today was an escape day from reality. However, I had three long phone calls with three of my beautiful daughters. I don't get to visit with them all that often for that length of time, so I was kind of happy I wasn't working on a big project as I sometimes tell them I can't talk. 

It was a good day. I hope you have a blessed day!

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