
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

2021 Valentine's Day Part 2 - Still Feeling Blessed

For Valentine's Day, my daughters sent me some money to purchase some sushi. They also had a dozen chocolate dipped strawberries, along with a cute card delivered to my home. I have a girlfriend that was super sweet who purchased and dropped off six large chocolate covered strawberries. 

The funny part of this is, that I was purchasing some sushi a few days prior when I walked past the Valentines Display at the grocery store as our sushi is only available at that store in our small town. When I passed the chocolate covered strawberries, I thought, "It would be nice to have someone to purchase those for me." 

It isn't like I am extremely lonely or longing for someone in my life, but sometimes at holidays, I think it would be nice to have someone, but it isn't something I dwell on as I have a fairly full life. It was just a passing thought and I didn't give it another thought until for the first or second time in my life (as I don't remember ever having someone purchase them for me, but I do remember eating them, so I think it was at a party or a reception at some point) I have TWO different people drop off chocolate dipped strawberries! I figure GOD knows my thoughts, and having had that passing thought wishing I had someone to purchase them for me, maybe HE sent that thought to the people in my life who would, or could, give them to me! 

God is so good to me! The berries were yummy and I felt loved. The other thing we decided to do for Valentines was to play an online group game together.

I have played "Among Us" with my girls a few times over the past six months or so. I am not good at it, and for some reason struggle figuring out how to move, finish tasks, and have only been the "imposter" a few times. I have obviously never "won" when I have been the imposter and usually there are two "imposters" in the game, so if I had ever won, it wouldn't have been because of anything I did. 

For Valentines Day, my girls wanted to play the game and I think any time I get to spend doing anything with my children, even online, is a blessing. I can say I was not "happy" to find that I was the "imposter" as I had only ever been it maybe three times, and I always got caught trying to go in a vent or something. In starting the only game we played that night (since my girls had Valentine plans), I thought I had to at least try to play the game. I couldn't see anyone and was struggling running around trying to find someone to "kill" and then noticed I could only see them when they would run past me. I was able to kill someone in the first few minutes and then went into another room and tried to "vent" which means you can go hidden from room to room. However, once in the vent, I couldn't figure out how to move to the other rooms, I just kept going in and out of the vent which happened the other time I was the "imposter." 
I then decided it wasn't worth trying to use the vents as I know if the group finishes their tasks before the imposter "kills" enough of them, they win the game. I then remembered that the imposter can "sabotage" the rooms making people have to fix the problem before they can go do their tasks. I only ever sabotaged one room because I couldn't move fast through the rooms. The entire game, I was only in three or four rooms. The funny part was, I kept sabotaging that one and only room three times or so and each time, it locks the rooms doors and I would get myself stuck into the room as I couldn't get out of the doors. 

I get laughing at times when I get frustrated doing something and even when I am home alone, I get laughing when I struggle to do something that should be simple. When playing, I just got laughing harder and harder as I know this game should be simple but for some reason, I just struggle with it. I was laughing so hard by the end of the game and only laughed harder when I found out that I won the game after only being in a few rooms. 

I think hitting the same sabotage button in only one room made them have to keep coming back to that room so maybe that was why I won. When the game ended, several of the girls had to leave, but I was laughing so hard I just couldn't stop. I figured I would send the girls a video so I took one. I was still laughing so hard after about five minutes that I took another video and sent them both to the girls. 

I don't know that I will play the game again as I just struggle. It was a good laugh however. Even though I don't look great in the video, it still makes me laugh to watch it. If it can bring a smile to your face, it is worth posting. Enjoy!

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day and have a blessed day!

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