
Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Needed A Bit Of Sweetness Today

I was a bit sore today from yesterdays fall. I also realized that my phone is now having issues not only the crack but a clicking when I talked to others, they hear noises so that was frustrating. 

I also was watching a YouTube video on my Chromebook when the flood happened and it also fried from water damage and doesn't work, so my little flood yesterday was costly. 

I also went to the Chiropractor today because of my fall and am even more sore tonight. I picked up some groceries and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. After that, I thought I would like something sweet. Since Princess Four moved out, I haven't been eating them as much. I have lots of gluten free baking mixes that people have given me or I got when volunteering at the local food bank. 

I rarely bake anything gluten free as I don't tend to do well with them, but today, I thought I could use some sweetness in my life. I decided to clean out some frozen zucchini and apples from the freezer as well as a baking mix from the cupboard and had some walnuts that needed cleaning out. I made a huge batch of muffins to clean out all those items and ended up with four 1/2 Tupperware containers full to put in the freezer. 

They were really sunken for the first batches and then I added a bit more flour and rising agents and the second half were a bit better but in the end, the muffins tasted more like brownies. I added different items to each pan putting cranberries, crushed Heath bars, some chocolate chips, almonds, walnuts, and popcorn in the different batches. They are really good. I will have treats for months in the freezer. I probably shouldn't have made them but I really could use some sweetness in my world today. It has been a hard week! 

Have a blessed day!

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