
Monday, December 14, 2020

Weekend Road Trip Temporarily Delayed Due to Roadwork

We went to see Princess One and her family this past weekend. We had a long drive and I didn't want to drive after dark due to melt off freezing on the roads as we have to travel many mountain passes to get to her home. 

We loaded up the cars planning on heading out early and were surprised to see a truck slowly moving through the street making it impossible to get out. Even when it was past my home, there was a truck parked on the opposite side of the street so we couldn't get out until they had passed the truck down the street. 

In the end, we were happy to have the cracks on the street sealed, but it was like waiting for paint to dry before we could leave. We were able to get to Princess Ones home safely even with the late start. It was a wonderful time and I will share more about that later. 

Have a blessed day!

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