
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Trying to Make Some Bunko Fun Despite Covid

I have shared for ten years on my blog about my bunko group. I started the group over 20 years ago with a friend as I wanted to befriend a few people and thought being in this Bunko group would be a way to help them make more friends and give me a stronger group of friends. 

When Covid hit, my turn for Bunko was the next month. Everything got canceled and I have been sitting on those prizes for 9 months or more. I was going to do a "Christmas" theme and all my prizes are Christmas Decorations or items. 

As you know I am redoing my garage one wall at a time. I have been working hard but I keep having to move the two boxes of bunko prizes that I would like to give them out so my friends can use them over Christmas. It will be nice to have them out of my house and when Bunko starts back up, I will get new prizes for my month because I am trying to clear out from my house for now. 

I was trying to figure out a way to make it fun rather than just drawing names for the prizes. I will give points for each of the items that they do and will drop the gifts / prizes off before Christmas. 

Here is what I sent them:

"My Dear Bunko Sisters,

I have so missed visiting with each of you each month! The Prizes I had for my month back when Covid started were Christmas as I was going to do a “Christmas” theme. I don’t know when we are going to be getting back together, but I am trying to clean out my garage as I am texturing and painting so I want to give out the Christmas prizes so you can use them for the holiday and was trying to think of a fun way to give them out. It would be nice to have the two boxes out of the garage, but more so, I want to connect with your somehow.

I thought maybe we could do a fun little contest and we can post a few pictures, a few videos, and connect over the next few days. I hope that you will take a few minutes to join in the fun. It isn’t anything that will take much time but could be a fun adventure with your family joining in or taking videos of you.

1.      Hold your breath for as long as you can. Text or post the time.

2.      Who can go the longest without blinking, post or text the time.

3.      How long can you plank holding yourself up on toes and elbow on carpet. Post time.

4.      How many round ornaments on your Christmas tree.

5.      Number of people living in your home over 19.

6.      How long can you stand on one foot? Post or text time.

7.      Post yes or no if you have mistletoe hanging in your house.

8.      Post a video of you singing Jingle bells as fast as you can! Chorus Only.

9.      Head stand knees on elbows; post how long you could hold it.

10.   Roll 3 dice and post a picture of the number. I have a number in mind and closest wins.

11.   Post a video telling the bunko ladies how much you love and miss them!

12.   Did you shovel your walks with the snow? Did you offer to or help someone else shovel?

13.   Post a photo on the group of your favorite Christmas Decoration.

14.   Go to this link and take a typing test and text me your typing speed.

15.   Give yourself or have someone close to you give you a hug from me!

I hope this is a fun thing, It isn’t meant to cause stress and I think you could do all of them in a few minutes. Don’t feel like you have to participate but I sure would love to connect with you!

Stay safe and healthy! Love you all!" 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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