
Friday, December 4, 2020

Road Trip Destination 3 Photo Shoot

On our Thanksgiving road trip, I have shared several of the spots where we stopped. I shared photos we took and now I want to share another stop. 

There was a place with pictographs and petroglyphs on our path. There were several walks / hikes to caves that had hand prints, and there was another with big horn sheep carved in the cave wall as well as other depictions and there was black from fires having been in the cave for hundreds of years. 

It was interesting that they put bars on the caves so you can't go in and touch them which has preserved them, which is a great idea, but what was cleaver, was that they placed a round mirror in the cave so that when you look at the mirror, you can see what was carved on the roof and opening wall of the cave. That would be the only way you could see those carvings and drawings. 

It was interesting that while hiking when we passed other groups, everyone was really aware of keeping a distance and a few were even wearing masks. Since it was outside, we didn't wear any but I thought it was nice that everyone was conscientious of others while hiking even. 

There was a huge pictograph of a blanket on the wall of the canyon opposite one of the sleeping caves. It is large enough that you can see it clearly on the canyon wall. Whoever painted it back in the day had to have some serious moves as it isn't in an easy place to get to. 

It looks like we may be doing Christmas early as well this year to accommodate Princess Three's new friend. We enjoy his company so we are glad he can come to visit on his school break. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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