
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

#LightTheWorld - Sweetest Neighbors EVER

I have had a super long day today. I told a friend we would help her clean out her garage. Princess Four and I went over and started working on her garage and spent the day working. 

It was well after dark when we headed home. We hadn't eaten, so we spent some time eating dinner and I was grateful that I had leftovers that we could heat up. I had a project I needed done and I was pulling things out of the garage and needed help from Princess Four. 

She went out the front door and she called me over to see the front door. The neighbors had decorated the front door! It was so cute! 

The neighbors have 7 kids and each child drew a picture and wrote a note. They put a picture of Christ and the nativity scene as well. It was so adorable and made my day! 

There are two notes that I thought were super cute. The 17 year old wrote, "We Love You! You're so sweet and inspirational to me!" and I thought that was interesting and mentioned to my daughter that I couldn't believe she would find me inspirational and then Princess Four brought up how I always take over treats, I did the Easter drive by gift during Covid, I let them all come over and take all the jewelry she and her sisters wanted and many more. When she shared that, I realized that I do focus on service in my life but for a 17 year old teen to notice share what type of girls she is. 

The other note I loved was from their daughter that is about 6. She wrote a cute note and could see she got some help with the words, but she drew a picture of the two of us standing next to a Christmas tree and a fireplace with stockings hanging on the mantle.

I appreciated all the drawings and notes and really loved the picture. It was so thoughtful of them to do that for me. My daughter said she thought it was part of the #Lighttheworld Christmas program where each day you follow a prompt and do that thing for the day. 

Our church has done this program for the past few years, but I totally missed out on doing that this year. I think it was super nice that my neighbors are doing the program, and that they picked me to serve! It really made my day! 

I hope you have a Blessed day!


  1. That is so beautiful nd uplifting! Thank you for sharing, it enables hope in the upcoming generation.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate when people take the time to share kindness. Have a blessed day!
