
Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving With Family A Bit Early - Japanese Thanksgiving

Princess Three has a friend. He is attending school out of state. He was able to come home for a few days over the Thanksgiving holiday. 

With a limited time home, they were good trying to spend time with both families. After some discussion, we decided that since our family has always moved holidays to accommodate life situations, our family doesn't have any issue celebrating on different days. As long as we get to be together, we are good celebrating on any day. 

With that knowledge, we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving the Friday before the actual holiday. It would give us a few days over the weekend to spend time together. So Princess Four and I got the house in order and spent the day Friday baking and cooking a full on Thanksgiving dinner. 

We had a great visit and I will share about some things we did over the weekend later. We were able to eat leftovers most of the weekend which no one minded.

Princess Five had lots of homework because we celebrated a week early, all the professors had their big assignments due before the holiday but made it all due while we were celebrating early. Those are some things that happen when having to celebrate early but I had to hand it to her that she focused on her homework and got it all in even when she felt that she was maybe missing out on fun things. It shows her dedication to her education which is impressive. 

Princess One wasn't able to join us due to Covid worries. I am going to avoid anyone for a few weeks to make sure nothing was "shared" at our Thanksgiving celebration and we will celebrate "Christmas" early with the grandchildren once we know we are safe. We were able to have lots of video chats to celebrate with her family and the grandchildren were so cute! 

We put the tree up the day after we celebrated which is how we usually celebrate. We started a fun tradition of listening to Christmas records while we decorate. I was able to find some fun LP's at a second hand store this year. It is funny how each year less and less decorations get put on the tree, but I can't say that it bothers me as I am just grateful for the help putting the tree up. 

Because Princess Four and I were celebrating the holiday alone on the big day, we visited with the other girls on the phone and then adorable Princess Four, picked up some flowers for me and some sushi ahead of time since it is one of our favorite meals. 

Sweet James that makes our sushi, gave us all three rolls free! It was so kind of him to do that for us on the holiday of Gratitude! We felt blessed having him in our holiday! 

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day!

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