
Monday, November 16, 2020

It's Been a Long Time Coming - Working on the Garage

I have wanted for years to get to the back corner of the garage. It has been a dark spider dungeon since we moved in. My former spouse wanted the wood pile in the garage. 

The wood pile was put in the garage soon after we moved in. The pile never got smaller than about four feet in height since we rarely use the wood stove. It would just be a home for spiders.

We only had one single light bulb in the garage when we moved in other than the garage door light. It is a large garage. I put a two light fixture in a few years back but it is still dark in the garage and especially in that back corner where the wood has been stacked. About six months ago, I purchase two somewhat decorative florescent light fixtures at a second hand store. I bought them hoping to put up lights in the garage to give it more light. I put up one where the existing light had been and just that one light gave much more brightness in the garage but that corner was still rather dark.

Princess Four helped me move the wood pile to the back yard it opened that area up but it was still dark. My dear handy man came a few weeks back and put in some new wiring and put in that other light. 

I had three holes in the drywall and had to patch that, but I finally just decided to stay up and get the wall finished. I put the texturing on and am so excited to get even a little bit of the wall finished. 

Have a blessed day!

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