
Thursday, November 12, 2020

11-11 1:11 God Is Good - In God We Trust Blessings Today

On Halloween, I was shopping at a second hand store and finished my shopping. As I was putting my purchases in my car, I noticed a quarter on the ground near the back of my car. 
 If you read my blog, you know that when I see coins on the ground, I feel like God is getting my attention and reminding me to trust him. It seems the larger the coin, the more I should pay attention. 

I had the feeling that I should go back to the store and look for something that I could sell for a large amount of money. I followed that "prompting" or "feeling", or "thought" and went back to the store before leaving. 

I walked around outside which I don't do as much since Covid, they haven't been putting things outside as much. I saw a treadmill and had the thought come to my mind that that was the item I needed to get. I asked the worker if they had tried it. He said he didn't know. I asked if they could get me a cord and we could see, and they did. 

It was a REALLY nice treadmill! It works with an online sport app that is programmed into the machine and has different levels of workout and the incline and speed change depending on the workout. 

The treadmill was $15. I called my sister asking if she and her husband could help me haul it home so I could try and sell it. They were wonderful to help and easily loaded and unloaded the treadmill as it folds up into a nice slim machine and has wheels to move it easily. 

I got it home and wiped the dust off it due to being outside. I took some pictures and then went ahead an listed it. It is an older machine as it didn't do Bluetooth, but it does work with the app plugged in the input jack. It is about a $1500 machine. 

I listed it locally for $400 but didn't get any hits or inquiries. I figured I needed to give it an aggressive price so I dropped it to $275 and had people contacting me all day. Maybe I should have gone to a middle ground but I need to get some bills paid and don't want to have to deal with it during the holiday as my kids are coming early to celebrate so I wanted to get these bills paid off. 

I was able to sell it to a friend of mine who tagged her daughter in the post and they came and tried it out and had it loaded up in minutes.

I laughed when I saw what time she responded telling me she for sure wanted it. I had others telling me that they wanted it but I wanted to sell it to my friends daughter over the others, so when she replied at 1:11 telling me she wanted the treadmill, I knew God was in the details!

I then realized that it was 11/11 today. So, God gave me a $260 profit on this treadmill that took me about an hour to dust and list. I am grateful that I listened to His little "nudge" to head back to the store and find what HE was telling me would make me the money I needed to help pay those bills. 

I have also been able to help my friend this past week, and I sold three older quilts I had for a few years for $120, and an old rotary phone for $30. I also had multiple buyers for the phone. It is funny how $10 can make the difference between having no buyers and lots of buyers. I had it listed for $40 a few different times but lowering it just that bit hooks many people. I had decided that sometimes it is worth lowering the price to move the item and clean out the house. Also, pay some bills!
Later, I had just sent my kids the pictures of the money I got for the treadmill and a picture of the text from my friends daughter at 1:11 and I no sooner sent it than the show I was watching while I ate dinner said, 111. I took a short video and sent them the video clip. It wasn't 20 seconds after I sent them the 111 info. It was just another reminder that God may not take away my struggles, but HE will always help me go through them! 

It was a Blessed day with found money (Click here to see a post explaining this) and some 111 reminders (click here to see a post on that) that God loves me and is aware of me, and all in the month of "thanksgiving!" 

Have a Blessed Day

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