
Friday, October 30, 2020

Trick-Or-Treating Delivered Just In Time - 111 As Well

I know some of my neighbors are leaving town for the weekend and the Halloween Holiday, so I wanted to get the treats to them as I thought some may leave early after school so I wanted to make sure that I got to their houses tonight. 

I took a nice walk as it was a clear and warmer day than we have been having. I took them to the immediate neighbors and one of the younger boys was visiting a friend. I could see him outside playing and was going to give him one but the next neighbor took all the items I had in my box so I went home to get more treats. He was then home by the time I went to the neighbors, so I went back to their house.

It was really cute when I went to the door, he opened the door and he had one of his siblings candy necklaces on his head like a headband. It was quite funny. I wish I had taken a picture. 

I gave out about 70 containers of candy necklaces to the neighbors. I was also able to meet some new neighbors and visit with some I haven't seen in awhile due to Covid. 


When I was cleaning up after getting home, I was throwing away the bags from the ring pops and the little boxes that held the containers of candy necklaces. Both had 111's on them and I felt like my Heavenly Father was letting me know I was on the right path!

It was nice getting to walk, it was nice getting to visit with friends, it was nice getting to see the kids get excited about Halloween, and it was nice being able to get the treats out of the house. 

It will be weird on Halloween not opening the door, but I am glad that my cute little neighbors know I thought of them. 

Have a Happy Halloween!

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