
Friday, October 16, 2020

Helping The Neighbors Pick Apples - Makes Me Love My Apple Trees

When I got up today, I was planning on finishing the pruning in my yard. I finished the last front medium size tree in the front last night. Princess Four was a gem and helped me finish bundling the branches as all our cans were full. 

I have few smaller trees, the bigger trees, the lilac trees, and the shrubs left and I figured I could finish all those today but the biggest tree. I was all ready to go but when I looked out my kitchen window, I could see my back neighbors picking the apples off their tree one at a time using a 14 foot "fruit picker" pole and basket.

I asked Princess Four if she would be willing to help pick the neighbors fruit. She said she would be willing and so we ran a few errands and stopped on our way home. The neighbors were thrilled that we would help them. They are older and so we got the ladder out and I put Princess Four on it and I held the base and the box as she picked all the higher up apples on their trees. 

I took some pictures of them using their apple picker earlier in the day as they would pick one and two would fall to the ground. It made me grateful for the way I prune my trees as I never have to use a ladder. Princess Four was a trooper and it started getting cold but she kept going until they had no containers left to fill. 

For the most part, we picked all the good apples we could reach for them. They shared that the wife had fallen off the ladder a few years back. The husband isn't able to do a ladder either so I know we were a blessing helping them get that fruit off the trees as it is supposed to freeze tonight. 

Because they have some health issues, we kept on our masks just to be safe. I tried not to talk much as it was a bit hard with the mask. 

They were super cute together. One would point out where there was a big apple way up in the top of the tree and the other would get the 14 foot fruit picker and pick the trees at the top of the tree. There was a problem as he would pull one off and two would fall and he picked right over us and one hit me square on the chest! I was super glad I didn't get hit in the fact but I think I may end up having a round bruise on my chest. 

I suggested that he may pick those not above us! ha ha. He was good after that to not pick those above us. He told me earlier that he had one hit him square on the top of his head!

We were able to get most of them off and we offered to help haul them into the garage but they have a yard cart on their ATV that they said they were going to use to haul them all into the garage so we headed home. We took four of their red apples home and Princess Four said it was super sweet. I will have one tomorrow. 

They offered us some of the apples, but I am done with fruit and dehydrating this year. I don't want to spend time on that as I have so much to do. 

I offered to take a few pictures of them and they came out really cute! I texted them and she sent me a "thank you" text for our help. 

I can't say that I got anything off my "to do" list, but I was SO happy to be able to do something to help the neighbors. Princess Four was a saint climbing into all those branches. It really made me grateful for my trees! It was a good day! 

Have a blessed Day!

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