
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We Were Postponed Due To Rain


It was a crazy day. I got up and checked the weather outside and it looked nice so I got my daughter up and by the time she was ready and we headed outside, the sky was black and rumbling. 

We knew it was going to be bad so I took in a few things we thought thunder and lightning may ruin with the rain and taped all the tarps down.

It cleared up after a heavy storm and I went out and dumped all the pooling water on the tarps and found that we had some items get ruined due to leaks in the tarps. I dried a few things out and then it started raining again so we couldn't have the sale. I thought it was interesting that a woman knocked on my door and her mother was pulling the tarps off the tables to look at things. 

I told them that the weather was supposed to clear the next day and we would have our sale then. I was so shocked that they would think to knock and look under tarps as I would never do something like that. I am so tired and losing my voice as I have been talking to so many people each day. 

I was so tired I thought I would take a nap but I no sooner fell asleep than someone was at the door picking up something they saw on the local yard sale pages and wanted it so I got all of five minutes sleep. 

I am excited though that someone may buy a larger item off the post as well. I am praying the few hours I get to sleep tonight will sustain me through the long day tomorrow. 

Have a blessed day!

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