
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Today Was A Better Day - Reunion Booked

I shared yesterday that I was trying to get a weekend booking for our annual reunion at the lake. It is a "hot spot" and people like the group site as there are lots of hook ups and shower / bathrooms near, as well as lots of parking for our growing family. 

I got up early, and once again, had the reservation ready to send a minute before the reservation opened and was able to get our Friday night and dropped the first day of the reservation. Even though there is a small fee, we got the four days for our reunion as we added a day this year. 

I was happy to get that checked off the stress list! I hoped I would get more off my "to do" list, but things didn't get "done" but I was able to get something started that is on my list. 

I am working on a t-shirt nerd quilt for Prince One. While Princess Four and I took some down time to watch a movie as we haven't done anything like that yet since she moved home, I asked her if it was "OK" to have the light on and let me cut some shirts for his quilt. She told me that was fine. So, I got to spend time with my beautiful daughter, but I also was able to start cutting the Nerd quilt! 


I only got one row done, but I will take that! I had two shirts that were twisted which makes it hard to work with. I had to put different backing shirts on, so they took a bit longer than expected. It looks like there may only be a few more "difficult" squares, and the rest should cut rather quickly! 


Yea for getting something on the list at least started. ha ha.

Have a Blessed and safe day!

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