
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How to Put in an Additional Sprinkler to Cover a Dry Spot

When I bought my house, the grass was not very good. It was full of grubs and had many dry spots. The sprinklers were all put in the center of the square areas and they hit the house, the garage, and left mineral spots on the brick, the windows, and the garage.

They had the sprinklers right against the house as well so if one broke, it flooded the basement. I had that happen multiple times over the years. A few years back, I decided that I was done with the sprinklers hitting the house or being near the house in any way. I capped off the lines that were near the house. I put a pressure reducer onto the line closest to the house, and then I put a drip system in the garden and flower areas near the house. 

I have been fighting grubs still and for the most part, there are just a few spots where they are still active. I have poisoned for them several times this year but I plan on poisoning again for grubs tomorrow as I found two while putting in a few new sprinkler lines this week. 

I have just a few spots in the yard I shared about yesterday and today, I was able to fix the two spots left in the front yard by putting in funny pipe and a new larger sprinkler in the front and I will share how to make a "pass through" sprinkler part where you can keep the sprinkler you already have functioning, yet add a new sprinkler head using "funny pipe" which is flexible tubing which makes using it much easier as you don't have to dig very deep to run it over long areas because it can flex. 

If you dig down to the PVC portion of your sprinkler line and see what parts you will need as there are 1/2 inch pipes and 3/4 pipe fittings. You need either an elbow piece or a straight piece. If you want the sprinkler head at the same level it was at, you need an elbow. If you are removing the sprinkler head, you can just use an elbow and move the head where you want it with funny pipe. 

If you want to make the "pass through" where you add another sprinkler and keep the sprinkler you are using to split, then you will need an elbow coming out of the PVC, and one for the base of the original sprinkler, and an elbow for the new sprinkler. So you need 3 elbows total. One that fits the sprinkler PVC feed, and 2 that fit the base of the sprinklers you are using to water the lawn. You need funny pipe in the length needed to feed the new sprinkler from the old sprinkler, and to link the elbows to the T, and then you need a "T" shaped piece to link them all together. 

I made a video showing the parts and funny pipe and how to hook them up. I took some photos of the pipes in the ground and hope it is clear enough for you to see how to link them. 

While I was finishing up in the dark, I was putting the grass back into the hole and found a penny! I also had the song I blogged about this week in my head. 

I think God just wanted me to know I need to trust in him and that things are OK even though I am a bit stressed about some situations currently. It has been awhile since I found a coin so I felt it was Providence that I found a coin amidst all that mess. 

I want to warn you to NOT hook the funny pipe to the elbows coming out of the PVC until you have screwed the elbow fixture into the PVC Sprinkler water line!!!!!!! If you hook it to the pipe before you screw it in, you have to dig a large deep area. SCREW THE ELBOW INTO THE PVC WATER LINE BEFORE PUTTING THE FUNNY PIPE ON THE ELBOW!!!

Once you have the elbow screwed into the water line, then you can put together the rest of the parts with the funny pipe. It is easy if you do it in the right order. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Hopefully the video will make it clear. Have a Blessed Day!

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