
Monday, August 31, 2020

Princess Four has Moved Home

Princess Four was supposed to move home yesterday but stayed over with Princess Five. She was going to leave earlier today but someone boxed her car in and she couldn't leave until this evening. 

By the time she arrived home, it was very late. We unloaded her car and didn't bother putting anything away. I was working on filling our vitamin containers while I waited for her to return home. 

I am not feeling well, so I wiped everything down in the house that I touched in the past day or two. I don't think it is Covid, but I have an infection in a root canal so I think it could be that causing me to not feel well. 

Hopefully, I can start to feel better in the next few days. I hope I don't have Covid. It would be horrible if Princess Four came home and got sick. 

Stay safe and have a Blessed day! 

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