
Monday, August 3, 2020

Princess Five is Legally an Adult

Princess Five had her 21st birthday! She is now a legal adult! I am now officially an "empty nester" as I have no children anymore! I have five adult children! 

It feels a bit weird to know that I have no children anymore. I hadn't ever really thought about that time of life. It is an interesting feeling to know that they are all adults. 

We have been celebrating it for many days. We had sushi, we purchased some expensive treats. We got her a new adult drivers license. We keep finding different ways to celebrate. 

None of my gifts are large, but wen my girls have their "adult" birthday, I let them go into my jewelry stores and allow them to take out anything they want for their birthday or other holidays. 

I got all the stored jewelry boxes out of my safety deposit box and allowed Princess Five to sort through them today and pick out what she wanted. 

She wanted a pearl of some kind. I have strings of real pearls, but she didn't want something that was long. She then found a few single pearls that are charms, and she wanted to have that with earrings, but they didn't have chains. One was silver, one was gold. We dug through all the gold chains and found the shortest one we could that she liked and we put the charms on those chains. She found earring studs that matched that were a good size and she got a matching bracelet. 

She also picked out some smaller items that were not valuable like a turquoise ring, some moon stone earrings, and another small ring. 

My girls are not big jewelry people liking simple items. Her choice today was right in line with the others . It is very simple but beautiful. 

I guess I am in store for more wonderful changes in life now that I have all beautiful adult women for daughters! I am excited to see how things move forward for them! 

Happy Birthday Princess FIVE! You are LOVED! You are AMAZING! You are BEAUTIFUL! And, WE are Blessed! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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