
Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Stuffed Friend - Grand Princess Number One's Pet

I went to visit Princess One and her family last week. As she is my only married child, and the only one with children, I am still learning how to be a grandma. 

I am human and don't always do things perfectly. I took some stuffed animals to give to the grandchildren, but I didn't ask Princess One ahead of time. I should have asked Princess one before assuming that she would want her children to have another stuffed animal. 

She took her children to "Build-a-Bear" a bit back and they all picked out a bear. They sleep with them each night. 

I gave the children a stuffed animal each, and of course, they loved the new stuffed animals and wanted to keep them. Princess one has a small home and doesn't like lots of clutter which is a good thing. She told the kids they could only keep one of the animals. It broke my heart to put the children in that position and each morning while I was there, the children would hold the animals. 

They wanted to keep the one that they have had and have loved, yet the new ones were different and fun. I thought it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it became a big issue. I learned that I need to ask the parents before I give the children anything so it doesn't cause them stress. I felt so horrible for causing such a situation.

We talked about how we could keep the stuffed animals at my house and when they visit, they can have them at my house. Grand Princess wasn't thrilled about that idea. She knows they don't visit my house often and wanted to see them more often. 
In order to not cause stress for her, I thought it would be better to pack the animals the night before I left so that they wouldn't seem me taking the toys home that they weren't able to keep. I packed the car before going to bed as we were leaving the next morning. 

In the morning, Princess Five came in to wake me saying that Grand Princess noticed the Princess Magnet play set missing and her stuffed animal was gone. She started sobbing for quite some time that they were gone. I felt so horrible. I talked to her sharing that I would take the stuffed animal home and told her where I would keep the magnet princess set at my house so that when she comes to visit, she can play with both. 

She felt a bit better after we talked before Princess Five and I went home. Once home, I thought about what I could do to make the situation better. I came up with the idea to do a little photo shoot with my stuffed Monkey my girls took me to make on my 40th birthday and her stuffed animal. 

I took some time today to do the photo shoot, and was trying to decide if I should send all the photos the same day, or to send them one day at a time. I asked Princess Five which she would like if it were her, and she suggested I send one picture a day. 

Here are the pictures I took today to send her. I hope they ease the situation I created by not talking to their mom first. 

I hope they can all forgive me as I have a learning curve as I learn to be a grandmother instead of a mother. I sent a note to my girls apologizing for ways I probably wronged them as a mother in certain situation. Hindsight is interesting as I can see how I went wrong, but at the time, I felt I was making the right choice. I am glad that I have learned to say "I am sorry" and ask for forgiveness from my children as being a parent isn't always easy and parents aren't always right. 

I hope these photos make the situation easier for Grand Princess. I know she will forgive me as she is such a sweet and loving child. I pray I can learn and become a better grandmother and not put others in difficult situations. 

Have a Blessed and Safe Day! 


  1. You are a wonderful mother and grandmother. It's the young new parents who have much to learn. Maria

    1. Hi Maria, Thanks for all your kind comments today! I appreciate them! It is wonderful that you ran into so women who are serving as missionaries. They are usually such good people. I hope you are well and stay safe!
