
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Totes Ready For College

Today, Princess Five spent the day going through all the boxes from the garage and deciding what she wanted to take with her to college. We then transferred everything from banana boxes, and four different sized totes into clear totes the same size that can all stack! 

We went through and made a list of all the things she needed to collect into a few more totes that had been taken out instead of being stored in the garage. Her bathrobe, bed pillows, a small vacuum, a folding bookshelf, cleaning supplies, laundry soaps / dryer sheets, and a few more items that were not stored in the garage. 

I was thrilled to find that I had enough totes for her stuff after all my hard work digging for totes and lids. I transferred some stuff I had stored in the clear totes into different totes so she could have all matching / stacking totes

She took out some movies and things she didn't want anymore. We have stacks of items now for a yard sale, charity, or to take to other family members. It feels good to be getting through things and Princess Four got rid of three boxes of VHS tapes today as well. She texted me about keeping six VHS tapes that were their favorite as kids asking if I could transfer them to digital. They are all really weird shows that none of their friends had ever heard o,f but my kids loved them. I will have her look on YouTube to see if anyone uploaded them and if so, she can get rid of those few. However, for now, I am SO excited to get rid of more boxes out of the house and garage! 

So far, Princess Five has six totes and a laundry hamper. When she puts her clothes and food items in the mix, we will have double that, but that isn't bad and she will be ready to go! 

We have another eye exam tomorrow and a dentist appointment next week, and then all her medical will be finished. We are having a hard time getting her new contacts to work, so hopefully after this visit tomorrow, she will be able to get the contacts and glasses ordered and will be set to head back to school next month. 

She is all registered now, and got her final schedule this week with all the information on the classes. She will have to wear a mask to all classes, sit apart from other students, and turn in all assignments online. 

Her computer is the only worry I have left as we have gotten everything else checked off the list. The computer is a hand me down through several sisters. It is so slow she can't use it for many things as the running system isn't compatible with the new sites, so really, she can use it for papers on Word, and email, but not for any group meetings or watching anything online. 

God will provide something for her as HE always does. We just need to have the faith that something will show up! 

I am grateful to have all the things she needs without having to spend much at this time, it is such a blessing to have it all ready to go. Of course, she will have to pick some items up for the apartment once she arrives as with the long distance travel, it will be over mountains and we don't want things that could explode or leak on her drive. 

A bonus will be that her sister will be moving out of her summer housing and moving to another city where she is looking for jobs, and won't be taking any fridge items or food with her. Princess Five will inherit her kitchen / food so I won't have to completely stock her as that will all be there as the roommate said she could leave the end table, bookshelf and food until Princess Five moves in to her new place. The housing is paid for through Christmas and we are ready to have this girl get working on her Bachelors degree! 

We are so blessed to live in a country where she can attend any school for any degree and can vote and drive! We are so grateful that she has a working car and pray it gets her through the next two years of school! 

Have a blessed and safe day! 

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