
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Selling Items Online And Locally - Heavenly Father Loves Me

I have shared that funds are tighter than I would like due to many factors, but have shared in the past few days, that I have faith that God will, and does, provide as he has my entire life. I have never gone without my needs, and most of my wants.

I shared how the girls went through the children's books in my post yesterday. Here is a link to that post.  I have been posting things on the local yard sale sites hoping to clean out the house. I want to have a yard sale but, don't want to store heavy boxes of books, so I posted the 3 boxes of children's books online taking pictures of each and listed them locally. 

The next day I was able to sell the three huge boxes for $300. I was so grateful! I was able to help someone and they were able to help me. 

I also had a phone that a good friend gave me when I didn't have a phone, but it wasn't with my carrier so I wasn't able to get it working. I posted it many months ago and it never sold as that carrier isn't a favorite in our area. I was very grateful for her kindness and offered it back before listing it, but she said she was fine with me selling it. The day after I posted saying that I KNOW God will take care of me, the phone sold! I got $125 for the phone. 

Princess Five has been going through our Wii games and deciding which would be fun to keep and which would be good to sell. 

I listed four of them and they sold the next morning. I was able to sell them to someone I know. When he was here, I was able to share some health things with him and he was VERY grateful that I was able to help solve a problem he was having. It is so interesting how when we think we are doing something for someone, we often get helped ourselves. 

God is wonderful to always takes care of me! I know that even though some people do things to harm others on purpose, God sees everything and has a way of evening the scales. Karma is real and I know that by doing good to others, good comes back through others! 

I am blessed, and hope you are staying safe and have a blessed day! 

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