
Monday, July 13, 2020

An Unexpected Visit From My Cousins

I woke on Saturday to Princess Two coming into my bedroom. I had a few calls in the morning, but was super tired. I didn't wake enough to answer.

Princess Two came into my bedroom and I was confused as I didn't expect her to come home. I asked what she was doing home. She told me that she called, but we didn't answer and she came to visit with my cousins. I guess they wanted to float a river near our home. I was a bit surprised about that as they live near a river hours away, so I wondered why they would drive so far to float ours.

I think they just wanted to get out of the city and do something new with the Corona threat in the city. I was SUPER happy to find out that several of my cousins from out of of state were visiting and were in town with their families
and another had family visiting them from another state. There was a large group of them and they all stopped at the park for lunch. I was able to get some of them together for a photo. It is my mothers sister and she has 10 children who all have large families.

They were planning on just showing up at my home, but Princess Two let them know that we are going to visit Princess One in a few weeks and we promised her that we would distance for a few weeks before going to visit especially since we have had to visit Dr. and Dentist for the past few weeks getting Princess Five ready for college.

Princess Two saved us so much stress making sure they didn't come to my home as there were LOTS of small children needing to use the bathrooms and changing into swim wear.
I love my cousins, but with them coming from many states and a higher covid city, I was grateful that we were able to just visit at the park distancing, but yet enjoying catching up with them and hearing how they are all doing.

I wish I could have given them all a great big hug, but we were really careful and I didn't touch any of them  which was super hard. I enjoyed visiting with them and hope that I can visit more with them soon. It is crazy that this virus can keep families apart.

Princess Five still hasn't seen Princess One or her children and it has been a few months now. It is worth isolating so we can have our family reunion soon. It has been hard not seeing the grand children for so long. They ask all the time when we will be able to visit. I hope we can stay healthy for the next few weeks so either they can come visit or we can visit them.

It is nice having a big family. I am blessed! I hope you have a BLESSED Day!

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