
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Still Cleaning Out The House - Never Ending Stuff

Princess Five has been going through all her stuff. She was mostly finished but today, she finished going through her t-shirts for her t-shirt quilt.

The other girls brought boxes of stuff they wanted to get rid of in case their sisters wanted any of the items. When they go through stuff at the house, or bringing it home, they just dump it in the family room where everyone can go through it. 

I just can't believe how much stuff we have collected over the years. I wish I had enough funds to just donate everything, but with taxes and other bills, I need to sell what I can. 

I do think it will feel wonderful to have more stuff gone. Princess Four said she is going to go through more of her stuff soon as she has graduated college and is looking for a full time job and only wants to keep stuff she will need. 

We are going to be going through Princess Five's college stuff for the next few days. We packed it all up after she graduated with her Associates degree and headed out for her mission and now we need to go through it and see what she needs before she heads back. 

It will be good to have her ready to head to school in the fall. I have to say it will be hard to see her leave. 

Have a blessed and safe day! 

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