
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Princess Four Graduated With Her Bachelor's Degree - Looking Good In The Process

I am so PROUD to announce that Princess Four has graduated recently from College with a Bachelors Degree in Business Magna Cum Laud with High Honors.

She worked through all four years of school and maintained a scholarship for all four years. She paid for her own housing, food, and gas. She has worked so hard to keep her grades good to maintain her GPA to keep her scholarships.

She took two years off between the Associates Degree and her Bachelors degree to serve as a missionary in Japan.

She jumped right back in to school and work only spending a day or so home after returning from her mission. She has worked every summer, and while going to school, to have funds to go to school without loans. 

I am so proud of her being able to graduate from a very competitive Business School with all she had going on. She also served as a Women's leader in her church congregation for the last year with lots of responsibilities. She was also on the team of students who help guide other students, as well as holding an office job. 

Today she applied for her first post college job. She is excited and a bit nervous as she was going to do an internship in Kiribati for the summer, but then Covid-19 happened and the trip was cancelled. It was postponed at first to the fall, but then as it dragged on, they canceled it for the fall as well. 

It threw her off as the other internship she wanted to do was at Disney, so that also was thrown into nothingness as well. She also said "goodbye" to her boyfriend who moved to another state and planned a few farewell parties as everyone was headed off to their individual lives. 

She isn't sure where things will take her with this new uncertain world, but I love how optimistic she is about her future. I am excited to see where she will end up! 

If you see her, make sure to wish her well! 

Have a Blessed and safe day!

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