
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Gumball Fun After Years Without - Skittles Aren't Working

Princess Five collected Looney Tunes for years. She has a fun collection of Bugs and Tazz items and I found this cute gumball machine years ago. 

When she was in high school, I would buy large bags of skittles and put them in the machine. Because they were small, you didn't need to put money in the bank as you could just jiggle the handle and the skittles would come out. 

When Princess One comes home to visit, her family eats the skittles and at Halloween, I would buy cheap clearance Skittles and refill the machine. 

However, for years I have been looking for real gumballs cheap to fill it up as the colors match the room better and I wanted it for more of a décor item than for a candy dispenser. I have kept an eye out for many years to find the small gumballs. I bought some on clearance at Family Dollar years back but they were stale when I opened them, the outside was chipping off. It was frustrating not being able to find them. 

I keep checking the stores and at Christmas, I bought some gumballs but when I opened them, they were green and red. I bought some at Easter, but when I bought them and opened them, they were in the shape of Easter eggs in pastel colors. You can't see them in the containers, so I have purchased them many times and find they aren't what I am looking for, so I have been waiting. 

I didn't want to spend a ton ordering online or bulk, so I have just been keeping my eyes open for a good deal and today was the day! 

Princess Five and I were mailing a package to one of her missionary friends, and we went to the store and in a cart near the checkout, my life changed for the good! Princess Five didn't want to get them saying the Skittles were fine. I didn't think they matched well and really just wanted a full gumball machine in the room as more of a décor item. 

I was super excited that the bags were quite large for only $1. I have never seen them for sale in the store and was taken back that they had them in the clearance cart since I have never seen them for sale. 

She reminded me that funds are tight, but I told her that I don't eat out, I don't go the movies, I don't splurge on things for myself, and that I have been looking for these for years and wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity. 

I was so excited to fill up the machine! I removed the skittles and a few were crushed and stuck in the machine. I washed the glass and cleaned the parts. We had a few struggles putting it back together, but finally figured it out. We got it working and I LOVE how it looks on the shelf. The colors match the room so much better and the gumballs are actually the good flavored ones that each taste different. 

When I was young, my favorite ice-cream flavors were bubble gum and licorice. When my dad would take me on our "date" night once every 8 months each month was a new child) when it was my turn, I would always go get a double scoop of those two flavors of ice cream. 

I LOVED gumballs and had my own machine when I was young. Today I popped a few in my mouth and started blowing bubbles. We used to have bubble blowing contests when I was younger with my siblings. We had some really epic bubbles! 

I think I've still "got it" when you look at the bubbles I blew. They got bigger each time I tried. I was worried to go any bigger as I didn't want it in my hair! 

Have a Blessed day and stay safe!

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