
Monday, May 11, 2020

Taking Donations To The Food Bank

Yesterday, I finally loaded up the rest of the stuff to donate from my house and my neighbors house and took them to the food bank. They were closed but I needed them gone so I stuck them to the side of the building. 

They usually stick things people can take on the side of the building and they don't usually leave clothes and things there. Today I found a few things that went with some of the stuff I donated. I drove over to drop it off and 8 of the ten boxes I dropped off were gone. However, there were about 8 new boxes and bags of baby clothes someone dropped off. 

Whoever dug through the stuff left it a mess and there was a wind storm and dirt was all over and things were blowing out of bags. I spent a few minutes and cleaned up the mess and put them under as far as I could so that if it rained, which it did, that it was safe from the wet and dirt. 

I am happy to get everything out and organize the house better. I am still not through going through my own stuff but am continuing to work as I can. It feels good to get things done. 

Have a Blessed day! 

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