
Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Walk - Cemetery Overflowing

I walk most nights, either by myself of with a friend, and since the girls have been home, we have been walking together. 

I usually walk around the cemetery as the sidewalks around my street are older and cracked with tree roots etc. I don't want to take a fall as two of my good friends have fallen out walking in the last two years and both of them broke something. One had a surgery to fix it, and the other took weeks to heal. I have been better not having vertigo recently and feel steadier on my feet, which is good, but why take a risk. 

Since I am by myself, it would be so horrible to not be able to drive myself places, or use arms etc. if they got hurt, so I have decided to only walk the sidewalk if it is daylight hours and if it is dusk or later, I walk on paved smooth roads or the cemetery roads that have all be recently paved. There is a path the city has that is a "river path" but it is a bit isolated so I don't like walking it by myself and it also harbors mosquitos being near the water, so I usually opt out for the cemetery more recently. As it heats up, I may return to walking the water route to keep cool. 

It has been so fun to see all the decorations slowly come into the cemetery and decorating the graves as families pass through town over the weekend. 

The flags all went up this week as well, which makes it all the more beautiful as they blow in the wind. The city also put the flame in the "armed services" memorial which only happens over the holiday. 

I went up two weeks ago on my way to pick up Princess Five and put a wreath and a pinwheel on my mothers grave knowing I wouldn't be out of quarantine to go up for the holiday. 

My family meets at my grandmothers grave every year, and then has a picnic and plays games celebrating several birthdays and Memorial Day. However, many of the family left town due to the quarantine, so I don't think there will be many people around to visit with, and we have two days left in quarantine so didn't think it best to go. 

Several of my other girls wanted to come down this weekend as well, but with the chance of Covid, we opted out and may all get together next weekend. We still aren't sure what to do with that. I hope that we can all make it through without getting sick and enjoy some family time. 

I feel like I want to get so much done, but I am enjoying just talking and walking with my girls. I never tire of them as they are so witty and fun. I am so blessed to have a loving family heritage and to be able to have all my girls be healthy and happy when so many in the world are hungry, alone, or in war torn countries. 

I am grateful for my heritage and my offspring and pray I can live up to their examples and be strong to the finish for my girls and grandchildren. Who could ask for more! 

I pray you are having a healthy and safe Memorial Day! 

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