
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Finally Out Of Quarantine - First Of Many Visits and Errands Today

WE ARE SO BLESSED!!! We did not get COVID! Princess Five and the rest of us have been in quarantine for the past 2 weeks since she arrived home from serving as a missionary in NY. 

Today marked our 2 weeks quarantine from her flight home, so we were able to do our first errands and shopping today. We were also able to make our first visit to Family members since her return. 

My sister's family lives in a town near to our town, so we took a drive over to drop off a graduation gift for my niece, and to see her closest cousin. He was serving as a missionary in Chile and was due to return in June this year a month exactly to the day she returned from her mission. 

With the crazy Covid-19 thing happening, he actually returned a month BEFORE her so he has been home and already did his quarantine, and now has a job and is working. For her first visit out, she wanted to see him. 

As she was serving as a Spanish speaking missionary and he was serving in Chile, they both speak Spanish and were excited to visit with each other. Since she left, they also built a new home and moved so we wanted to see the house. Princess was really excited to be able to actually give him a hug. I couldn't get out of the car fast enough to catch the hug, but had them pose for a picture before we all headed into the house. 

We then got stopped on the house tour as my talented niece was showing us her latest artwork. I took a few pictures of some of her art. She does commission pieces for people and makes portraits of their animals. I have highlighted her on my blog several times before, as each time I visit with her, she is working on some new creative project. I wish I had taken some pictures of her pottery she has been making as it is really unique. 

Here is a link to one of those posts.   Here is a link to another.   And still another.   You can see as she gets older, her art methods change, but she is really creative and tends to gravitate to new mediums as she grows. 

It was fun visiting with my sisters family, and seeing my daughter and her cousin enjoy visiting about their missions and comparing the differences between his Chilean Spanish culture and her American, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Mexican, and South American Spanish. She served with so many different Spanish speakers that she doesn't have a dialect from any one Spanish speaking country. It was cute that even the Spanish music they liked was different due to cultural differences where they served. 

It was not the most productive day around the house, but I think it is good to get Princess Five out and about as I have noticed after 2 months in quarantine before coming home with only one person living with her, to coming home and two more weeks in quarantine, she has become a bit isolated and doesn't seem to mind that. I can understand that somewhat, but she was / is super out going before so I would like to see her feel more comfortable out and about before she heads for school in the fall. 

It was REALLY nice being able to go out with her today and run some errands. I have always needed socialization and this staying home for so long is really hard, especially in a small town. 

I feel VERY Grateful that Princess Five didn't get Covid on the airplane or in the airports. We are SO blessed to be home and safe! 

Have a safe and blessed day! 

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