
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Book Of Pokemon - Princess Five has 22 days left in NY

Our friend John told us that the Book of Mormon sounds like the Book of Pokemon 😂

Hey everybody! How are you? I hope all is well in these crazy times:)

This week has actually been so crazy busy, but it's been way fun. Here are some of the highlights!

-We had 4 "exchanges" this week! They were so much fun! We couldn't go on physical exchanges because yeah, so we did phone calls with them and I loved it. I love being a Sister Training Leader. I love being able to talk to all the sisters, and get ideas from what they are doing in their areas. They're so awesome, they are all doing pretty well with isolation. See the pictures below to see how much fun we've had with them 😂

-This week was really special. For the first time in about 6 weeks I got to take the sacrament. Sisters haven't been able to for a long time, but the elders were so nice this week. They came to the church, blessed it and then left it for us. It was such a different experience but it was really special to be able to finally have it. It really is so important for us. We also had a Sunday School
zoom call with our ward! I didn't realize how much I've missed them, it was so good to see their faces, it honestly almost made me cry. They really focused on how important the sacrament is for us and how it isn't something we should take for granted.

-Our friend Josie is doing AMAZING. We had an amazing team up lesson with her and one of the returned missionaries in our ward. And the lesson just perfectly slid into baptism and she wants to get baptized! She really wants to be a part of all this and is really striving to see the truth in her life. I have loved teaching her. It's been so hard to find solid people to teach while in quarantine, but she is just incredible. Formers are amazing. We are going to invite her to be baptized this week so keep her in your prayers! Teaching her has really helped me stay motivated!

-John. John is a new friend. Also an aspiring youtuber. John found us through our Facebook page. He lives in Peru. It's so cool that because of the circumstances, we can still call him and teach him. The work will still go on, even in places that don't have a lot of missionaries right now. Seriously, no unhallowed hand can stop the work of the Lord from progressing. 

Anyway, he reached out to us around the time of our global fasts. He wondered why we still fasted today, so basically we sent him what we like to call a "resto texto" where you cant just explain why we fast, you have to give background with basically turns into a little restoration lesson over text, but it was so good. He wanted to learn more. When we first called him, we didn't know what to think, he was really in to the bible, but when we called him again the second time, we had an incredible lesson with him.
We taught him last night and it was honestly the funniest lesson I've had in quarantine. He's just chilling outside as we helped answer his questions and talk about the gospel. Then he was out past 8 and they have a curfew in Peru so the curfew sirens started going off and then people just started singing and being crazy loud. He was just out laughing and walking around the whole time though, it was crazy! Peru is so crazy different from here, but it is awesome and he is really awesome. He also lives right by the temple which is even more awesome. 
He's definitely been one of the best highlights from the last few weeks.
Anyways, that's about it. The work is hard. It's hard to see an end in sight but I'm so glad to be here and I am going to keep giving it everything I've got. 


Hermana Princess Five

Quotes from this week:

"New York es una babylonia"-John from Peru. Pretty accurate

"Uh yeah, that's because I thought it in my head two days ago."-Salam-he asked us what our last meal would be and we told him that it was a good question.

"Girls are really good at hiding their emotions so I don't actually know how they're doing."-Elder Bill, he's the district leader over two of our sisters so we had to
talk with him about how they were doing


-we had our sisters recreate Book of Mormon story pictures, it was beautiful

-reality glasses, it looks like real life, because it is! Thanks Reeses Puffs Cereal box for some quality entertainment!

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