
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sister Training Leader and Group Internet Meetings For Princess Five in NY

President send us a us a message and at the end it said #KWYM so one Hermana guessed, "keep washing your manos", and a other sister guessed "keep wearing your mask", so both are good.

We had an all mission zoom Conference this week for 2 hours Tuesday-Friday. It actually went really well. On Friday, I shared my testimony with the whole mission because I'm on my last transfer. I shared a verse Luke 10:42, it talks about how when Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus, Jesus said that it was needful, and that she had "chosen the good part" and that's how I feel about my decision to serve a mission, and my choice to live the gospel! And I only cried a little bit while sharing it!

We were able to take a drive down to New Jersey this week which was supppeeerrr refreshing! It was beautiful too! We drove by such nice houses and really beautiful trees, it was a nice break from all the craziness of being inside. 

Things are going well with our friends! It's hard to get ahold of Eva so we have started making her videos. This week we made one explaining the Word of Wisdom. It went so well!! People truly can progress, even in quarantine! 

Our friend Josey is doing awesome! I don't know if I've talked about her, but she is a super awesome former! We've been teaching her pretty consistently lately and she just has such a strong desire to read and learn! We tried doing a team up with her, but that was kind of messy, but she was such a trooper about it. I can't wait to see how things go with her! 

Also, we are getting a crazy amount of English classes. So many people want to learn! We've literally had to start scheduling people out through Thursday because we don't have room for them. It's awesome. 

Love you all
Hermana Princess Five

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