
Friday, April 3, 2020

Princess Four and Her Quarantined Birthday Party Online

Princess Four recently had a birthday. We knew we wouldn't be able to have a get together for her birthday and her sisters were hoping to find something to make her day special. 

Several of the girls looked into how we could play games online, so we could have a virtual birthday party. 

On a fun note, Princess Five was able to call and have a Birthday Chat with her sister because she is under quarantine, so they have allowed them to call for birthdays. That was unexpected, and Princess Four was really happy and excited about that.  

Princess Three hosted a Zoom meeting which are only supposed to be 40 minutes if you don't have an account but we had to hand it to Zoom as they sent us a "present" and allowed us to stay on longer. We were really happy about that as it allowed us to not have to sign in for another meeting. 

Princess Three played the ukulele while we all sang "Happy Birthday" which was fun.

After singing and visiting for a few minutes, Princess Three posted a Scatagories list and set up a timer and rolled for a letter, and then we each answered questions on different lists. It was really fun to be able to play. We took turns reading off our lists and it was fairly easy to play that game with all five people in isolation, at their own homes. 

Following that, my daughter used her "" account and screen shared, and then we each logged into the game using our phones. We were able to play several different games, and had a very fun time and some really good laughs. 

We all enjoyed it enough that I think we will do it again soon, as we probably won't be seeing each other for a few months now with the extended quarantine. The girls shared that they probably won't be coming home for Easter today, so it may be a long few months. 

Princess Three spent hours putting cute little birthday hats on lots of pictures of Princess Four and sent them through our IM chat for her big day. I sent her links to videos of musical spoofs and covers, as well as some home concerts. Her friends ordered some sushi for her, and made her a birthday cake and they ate at the park. 

At first, I think she was a bit sad about not being able to have a normal birthday, but in the end, she said it was a really good day, and enjoyed being able to play family games and visit with all her sisters. 

It was a fun day, and I pray you can also create some wonderful memories for your family even though it isn't a traditional year and time! 

Have a Blessed day!

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