
Monday, April 27, 2020

Girls Giving Gratitude - One Blessed Momma

Last Thanksgiving, I was doing a Scout activity where I was teaching them about gratitude. I wanted to teach them how to write a "thank you" note and to show gratitude for those people in their lives who have helped them in some way. 

I pondered on what I could do to help them show more gratitude and came up with some activities that I was planning on posting about. Here is one of the activities that we played, with a bit of a twist, but this is a post how we played a similar game at a family camping event. Instead of putting "getting to know you questions on the ball, we wrote things like, "Name a person you are grateful for" or, "Name ten things you are grateful for!" 

I had pictures on all these things on my cellphone and planned on posting about them. However, at Thanksgiving, my grandson deleted my entire phone and the back up card on my phone. Because of that, I never posted on these notes I made or what I did with them. 

Before the scout meeting, I got some paper and made some cards. I had some envelopes I bought at a second hand store and used those with the cards I made. I have some gratitude type stamps and chose one that says, "Thankful For You" to use. 

I stamped about 750 cards and envelopes. I packaged up 20 cards and envelopes and tied them in ribbons. I had the boys write a few cards that evening as well as their family members. I then sent home a package of 20 cards with each boy for them to use in the future. 

At Thanksgiving, I had a visit with my girls and shared with them how I thought it would be good to focus on giving thanks for the next month. I suggested they could write a thank you note for each day of the month if they thought it was a good idea and gave them each a package of 50 notes to use. I shared my thoughts and hoped they would use them. 

Flash forward to this week. One day, Princess Four sends me a thank you message for giving her the notes as she shared that she had used one of the notes to give one of her roommates a gift as she is moving out. I told her I was glad that she was able to use them. 

I thought it was interesting that Princess Three, the very next day, sent me a "thank you" text saying she had used the cards to write some notes to each of the girls she is over in her church group and dropped off flowers with each card and she also send me some pictures. 

I thought it was so interesting that two of the girls used the notes within a day of each other. I know that two more of my girls have used the notes as well. It is wonderful that they are grateful and sharing that with her friends. 

I thought it was interesting that it happened to be during Corona that they are sharing gratitude. It is amazing that during this crazy time, they are sharing more gratitude and lifting those who may need it during this awful time.

Keep safe and have a Blessed and Thankful Day! 

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