
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

First Time Out in Over a Week and Store Shelves Are Almost Back to Normal

Since I got sick going to the store last week on a Monday mid morning, I figured I wouldn't go out to get groceries until Tuesday afternoon in hopes that the store would have less people.

I also needed to go to my local cellular store as I am getting rid of my house phone and adding a cell phone to my plan for when Princess Five returns. 

I got to the cell phone store and there were seven workers or so in the store. In my life in this small town for over 20 years, I have never seen more than three workers at the busiest of times, but it looked like there was some type of training going on.

I really didn't want to go into the store with all those people in the store, but they were really good to help me as one lady was training a new worker. They had two containers of hand sanitizer on the counter which I used several times as I had to sign my name holding a pen they used etc. 

I was the only customer in the store which was nice, but not having left my home for over a full week, it was a bit daunting seeing that many people in one small store. I asked if it had been busy yesterday saying I had waited until today to go out hoping everyone did their errands on Monday. They told me it was dead yesterday and was really busy this morning. I guess everyone had the same idea! 
I went to the grocery store and it was quite busy, which it seems to be all the time now. Everyone was good to social distance. I was surprised to see a mom with her young child running around, but not everyone has daycare at this point so people were good to give them a wide walk around. 

I was happy to see that almost all the shelves were full for the first time in nearly a month. Even though there were gaps on most rows, for the most part, they had been able to restock fairly well! I was able to get most things on my list and the only things I noticed that they were almost out of or completely out of were the toilet paper, eggs, paper towels, and vitamin C. I took a few pictures and a video of the store as it was such a contrast to the last few weeks of videos of the store. It was really crazy to see the difference in the store in just over a week. 

I did want to share a blessing, I couldn't get fish last week and that is almost all I eat for protein and when I checked today, they were out. Normally, they have 20 or more bags of Tilapia. I bent over for some reason and on the bottom shelf in the back hidden under some empty containers were two bags of Tilapia. If I hadn't bent over, I would have missed them as I am sure others had. My Heavenly Father was watching out for me knowing that is what I eat daily and was needing more! 

It kind of gave me peace knowing that they were able to still get food and stock the shelves. I am so grateful to live in a land where we have stores, food, clean water, and a stable economy, even if it is a bit crazy currently. 

I spent over $250 in one shop which is more than I have spent at one store in years. However, I am hoping I won't have to go again for two weeks this time, and also think some of the girls may be coming to visit soon. So, I bought lots of food I wouldn't normally buy, but wanted to have some food on hand if I do end up having some girls home in the next month or so. 

I had been working on cleaning out my cupboards and freezers, but currently, every cupboard is now full and my fridge and freezers are full also. 

I am feeling very blessed and pray that you also feel Blessed! 

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