
Friday, April 17, 2020

A Suggestion For Dr.'s and First Line Medical Workers

For MEDICAL WORKERS, DR. AND RESPIRATORY WORKERS. Please don't try this at home.

I have some lung damage from some parasites in my lower left lung. I am sharing this at this time to perhaps help give Dr.'s on the front lines a suggestion as to help the lungs of pneumonia patients with Corona, Covid 19. 

With my lung damage, I have some moments where I have difficulty breathing. My tests showing my lung damage and Parasite issues can be found on and type "lung damage" into the search box at the bottom of the home page and up will come the CT scan and Xrays. 

When I am having difficulty breathing, I found a way to help myself breathe better, but I don't put this out there for others to try, I am sharing this so that perhaps those on the front lines can give this a try if there isn't any other options. 

It has worked well for me when I am struggling to breath and I have found relief. Hopefully people can give this a try to help those suffering during this pandemic.

Have a Blessed Day! 


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    1. I have a few stockers and creeps writing nasty things to/ about my girls and grandchildren, so I don't contact anyone or give contact information on my blog or youtube channel. I do have an email I use to get contacted safely via gmail, so feel free to write me on that email. and I can write you back and forth from that email safely. I hope you get this note as I am going to delete it with your number to keep you safe as well. I will keep it up for a few hours as I don't know that you will see this if I delete your message. Hopefully we can converse through that email safely. Have a Blessed Day!
