
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

10 hours Working on The Neighbors Basement

I went to help my neighbor again today and thought I would be able to help her finish her biggest basement storage room. 

We started working on it last week and I really thought I could help her get it done in a few hours. 

However, we got into about 5 boxes that were large of stuff from their travels all over the world as well as boxes from all her children, from school and college. 

I have been helping her go through all of those things while cleaning all the shelves, vacuuming them, the floor, washing them down etc. 

They have traveled the world quite a bit and have some fun things. They had this weird looking African woven hat. I thought it was a lamp shade, but  they gave it to him in Africa. He traveled and taught in many countries.  

At the end of the night, my entire car was full of things as I can take them to the local food bank and they can distribute them. I have another car full of things in one of her bedrooms and we aren't finished with one room. 

She said she would like my help getting through the other storage rooms and shed at her house. 

I need to work on the brick fence I hit this winter and get it fixed. I also need to get my sprinklers turned on and weed and feed the lawn, as well as get finished on several projects that I have started before Princess Five comes home in two weeks. 

I told her I would help her tomorrow and pray we can finished the canning / food storage room and the last section in the big storage room, and I can empty her house of the donation stuff. I am hoping to get the brick wall done on Friday or Saturday. 

Before leaving, I pulled out the last three boxes of stuff for her to go through in the morning before her hair appointment, so when I get there after her appointment, we can finish up the big room. 

Helping her has made me really want to clean out my own home as I don't want my children to have to do this, as I have had to do it with both of my parents. 

The problem I face currently, is that four of my five girls have most of their belongings stored at my home, and I also have LOTS of stuff from my mothers estate and all the family history stuff that needs to be finished, so I feel like a huge hoarder. I am grateful for my large home so I can help them out with this situation, but I would like to clean out the rooms and make them more of guest rooms and repaint them all to more calm colors at some point. 

So much to do, but grateful I have the ability to organize things well, and be able to use it to help others! Have a blessed day!

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