
Friday, March 13, 2020

People Gone Wild Over All the Closures - Walmart Shelves Empty in Hours with HIGH Noise Levels

With recent news announcements, people fled to the store. 

I had posted on my Blog and posted a video this morning about how you should stock up on things you get from China as they quarantine ships.

It turns out, I was a bit prophetic as I told my girls to go shopping yesterday. Princess Four write saying she spend $150 at the store this morning. 

With more and more announcements of  people canceling schools, church gatherings, any church meetings, Disney closing, sporting events, graduations etc. today, people went crazy. 

I went to the store and the noise level was so LOUD as there were tons of people in each isle. The only isle in the grocery section that didn't have anyone in it was the candy isle. I was laughing as I walked down past all the isles and couldn't see to the other end of the isle, and then the candy isle had not one person in it. There weren't as many in produce as the food won't keep, and there were NO PEOPLE at the back of the store as you will see in my second video and some of these pictures. However, you can hear the noise level in the grocery section at the back empty part of the store!

The vitamin isle was near empty, the toilet paper and paper towels, liquid hand soap, alcohol, hand sanitizer, hydrogen peroxide, baking goods, canned goods, food storage isles and baby wipes were all gone! 

We are sure living in crazy days! I sent some people to the dollar store knowing the day before they had everything. After Walmart, I went to the dollar store, and they were almost out of everything as well and were getting calls about toilet paper while I was in line. I bought $30 in paper towels as I decided yesterday when I made my video and blog post that I probably needed more as I use them in my home instead of hand towels due to the parasite I was diagnosed with. 

Friends reported the same situation in the other store in town. I have lived in this town for over 20 years and have NEVER heard this much noise in Walmart or seen the amount of people in lines ever other than black Friday. I took the first video to sent to my girls. It was NUTS! 

My daughters boyfriend heard this in his statistics class: he said that the information he got about the problems in Italy and China were that everyone got the illness at the same time as it spread so fast, the countries that started isolation and canceling meetings don’t have a huge amount of illnesses at the same time so they could handle each serious case because they came at different intervals. Because Italy didn’t quarantine any cases, not worried about it, all the cases are coming at the same time and they can’t handle the situation. 

In Italy, it is reported that currently, they are not giving the respirators to anyone over 60, and won't use them on anyone that has any other major health issues. They are overwhelmed by the situation. As of first this this morning on March 13, 2020, the Italy Health Ministry said as of last night at 6 p.m. there were over 15,000 cases, 1,258 had recovered, and 1,016 have died. That is scary! That is nearly half dying and half recovering at this point. Hopefully, more of those 15,000+ confirmed cases will survive than what is showing in these statistics, however, they won't have the resources to help the more and more cases that will show up, so my guess is that they will have more and more fatalities as they won't have respiration machines for the growing infected. 

My oldest daughter 

shared this today 

about a friend of 

hers. She said her friend is from the province where this started, she has a friend still there. This woman lived with her husband’s family. She lost her husband and his parents, only she and her son survived. So, she lost 3 out of 5 in her family to this virus.

Hopefully, things will calm down and will go back to normal soon, if that is possible. Have a blessed day!

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