
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In Front of Ellis Island - Princess Five Working Hard

This week was super busy and a little stressful and here is why.

This Sunday, we tried using a new way to translate for our members using an app on there phones and let's just say, it was very stressful. most of them came in late, and none of them were actually listening, but hopefully we will get it up and running un the next couple of weeks.

One of our members got super sick on Sunday and had to be rushed to the hospital. We spent a lot of time getting the ward involved and helping with her. We had to do a lot of translating because none of the leaders speak Spanish, and then going with her to a doctor's appointment where we had to translate, and fill out forms, which were all in English.
Basically, all the stress of her being sick went on for 4 days. It was really hard, our days got very busy and we didn't have a whole lot of time to go meet with and find new people, but it was really nice to be able to serve and help one of our members. It was amazing to see how involved the ward got, even when they didn't speak the same language. They all worked together to by her new blankets, new pillows, and food. The Relief Society President said something that really stood out to me. We were thanking her for everything she has been doing to help the member who was sick and she said, "of course, she's my sister, we can not understand each other, but she's my sister." That one hit me hard because we really are all are brothers and sisters, regardless of where we come from or what language we speak. 

We found a friend a while back, but recently got back in touch with him and his name is Nedon, and he is super solid. He loves our message and he is so willing to get into and read the Book of Mormon! He loves it too and wants to come to church!! It's hard to find people like that, he's so cool!! 
This week during a lesson someone we were teaching decided it was their turn to show a video. We met with them and talked with them about the Plan of Salvation. When we got talking about the Celestial Kingdom, our good friend Anio pulled up this crazy video about what heaven is going to be like. I missed a lot of it, but there was a lot of yelling and flying through the sky and let's just say, it was something haha. We ended up talking over it to his wife. She's a lot more interested than he is. 

We got to go to Ellis island again! And it was such a beautiful day!! We saw members like 6 different times! It always makes my day when we see members. They always just come up and talk to us like they've known us forever. I love this gospel! A teenager from Texas was on a school trip and he walked straight up to us with his arms out and said, "My people, My people", then later his friends walked by and one of them said,"hey elders" so we loved that as well.

We had stake conference this week and it was so good!! Seriously I just left wanting to be a better missionary, I want to give myself more to this incredible work and do everything I can to focus in God. 
I learned that I don't give God enough credit for the things that have happened in my life, so that's something I'm going to work on.

And my companion is really good at writing down funny things that people say so here are a few.
"I cover my eyes because I think that's going to make the gravity stop working."-our district leader telling us a story about when he flew off a jump on a sled when he was 10.

-"What's your name?"
- We legit met someone who said his name was cheese....
"I would never live in New York"
"Good. We don't want you here."
- the workers at ellis

*singing, and dancing*

"I cant hug you because of the Corona Virus"

-Relief Society President in our ward

Que tengan una buena semana!

Hermana Princess Five


A member from my first area I saw at stake Conference 

A fun sticker we saw knocking doors.

Pictures of Ellis Island,  because I only ever send pictures of the New York skyline.

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