
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

People Are Crazy - Quote from NY - Princess Five has a New Companion

"People are just crazy" -Hermana Staz

This week was fun!

•we were looking for a former when a police officer started yelling at a man for relieving himself on the street, and then a Jamaican minister woman asked if she could use our phone, and in the mean time the police officer called back up, and so we decided to get out of there.

•we were switched from the all Spanish missionary district to the Korean/English/Spanish/Haitian-creole district which was sad, but it will be exciting for sure.

•we were in a richer part of our area we've never been to before, but we were early to a dinner appointment so we decided to look for some apartments to knock before heading over. We looked for the mailboxes that had Spanish names on them, but we ended up decided to knock the ones without names, because none of the ones there were Hispanic. We knocked the two on the ground floor. But no one was home so we went up to the other apartments and when we knocked the door flung open and it was the member we had a appointment with. But I was so shocked because I thought it was just another door not knowing she lived there, and my companion was super confused because it was her 4th day in the area.

•this week we were planning on teaching our friend Rosa the Plan of Salvation but at the beginning of our lesson she opened The Book of Mormon and asked us who "Nephi" was, so we decided to watch the first Book of Mormon video with them, they enjoyed the video and were intently watching it. One of them had a question about why Lehi left, if there people were going to be destroyed, why didn't he stay and help them. So we read a little from The Book of Mormon, and in the end they were both very interested. we will be sending them verses every day to help them keep reading and staying interested.

And that's it.

Hermana Princess Five
Our friend Alea who is coming back to church
Rosa's daughter!
Car selfies, and motivational graffiti

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