
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Nuns and a Purple House - Princess Five in NY

Hey Friends this week was WILD!

• on Tuesday we went and helped some retired Nuns make some self care things to send to other countries, they were so sweet and kept thanking us for our service.

•one day this week we had to take our car to the dealership to get it checked and the man that was helping us asked is why God didn't warn Adam and Eve about Satan. While we waited for an hour the best answer we could come up with was for him to read 2 Nephi 2. So we wrote our testimonies on a 3×5 and gave him a copy hopefully he finds answers to his questions.

•on Saturday we went and gave food to the homeless. But we got roped into singing a bunch of songs we didn't know while being accompanied by a euphonium, to the homeless people. It was one of those moments when you wish you could just run away, but we got a good laugh from it after.

•while we are driving we often smile and wave at people stopped next to us at red lights. This week we stopped this man who was incredibly kind, his name was Limo and he told us we had beautiful smiles, and told us that life looks better through a smile. He even took our card even though he is very strong in another faith.

• We had our returning member Sarin come to church this week, she moved here from another country and lost touch with the church, but we are so excited to have her back!

• we had a lesson with our friends Rosa, she did her best to pay attention as she watched her twin 5 year old's, her twin two year old's, and 2 other babies she was watching at the time, and even with all that distraction she still really wants to come to church.

•We had a miracle this week while we were going to visit a recent convert, we recieved a call from a number we didnt recognize. When we answered it, it was a man named Samuel, asking us if we wanted to use his restaurant as a venue for English Classes. He has a friend in Newark who has been taking English classes there and loves it. She suggested he call us and see if we would be interested in helping him out. So we went on Thursday and taught our first English Class there, it went really well! Samuel is incredibly kind! Even though he doesn't have much, he wakes up at 3 AM every Thursday to make breakfast for the homeless. And for the English class he provided notebooks for everyone to take notes on. I really hope we can share the gospel with him soon!

Our friend Rigio is doing great! Pray for him that he can get Sunday off from work to come to church!

Eso es todo!
Hermana Princess Five  

A cool house we found
Our new friend Midge who is a retired Nun
Us with some of our members doing service

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