
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Little Reminders Of My Grandchildren - Fun Little Things

My daughter and her family went on their way to their final destination. I was sad to see them go as we had a great time visiting and playing games. 

When they left, I waved them off from the curb and came in and saw this cute little hand print on the side of the piano. It was basically a smile maker. I laughed as I saw that little hand print. It is so hard to  herd them to the sink and wash after eating as they all finish at different times. 

It has gotten better as the older they get, the more in a routine they are with that type of thing but I still love seeing the little handprints around the house. 

I walked over to look out and see them at the end of the street and look down and the babies toy giraffe was stuck behind the magazine rack on the window base. I smiled again. 

I clean up their highchairs and pick up larger pieces of food off the floor and then shake out the towels I have beneath the clip on high chairs. 

I then head down to the family room and straighten everything up, put the bedding in the washer, clean the bathroom and was putting a video away and turning off the electronics and look over and see Godzilla hanging upside down off the bookshelf edge. I laughed out loud again! 

These kids are just so active and smart. The little bell next to the toy belongs upstairs, but one of the children took it downstairs. This is how it goes every time they leave. So many cute little reminders of their personalities. It brings me such joy to see them growing and having them be so healthy and enjoying the world around them. 

My grand-daughter was sitting in my massage chair while I was cooking and she said, "Grandma, when I grow up, I want to live in this house!" It was really sweet. I think I have made my house a "fun house" for kids. 

I shared with her that my house wouldn't be the same when she was older as things change but I told her that I loved that she enjoyed visiting my home. 

I am so blessed to have such an amazing daughter who picked an amazing husband, and the two are raising amazing children. I feel gratitude for the efforts they are making as parents.

I pray you are all as blessed! 

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