
Friday, January 24, 2020

Busy Day Visiting the Temple - Bunko - Methane and Migraine

I have been fighting a migraine for a few days as I think there is a large storm headed my way. I was able to get on top of it but then it comes back. I was able to head to one of the Temples for my church with some friends and then had my Bunko group tonight. I have been blessed to be part of that group for 23 years. I really am grateful for my Bunko Friends. 

I was able to call a local plumber who has a 200 foot camera and said he would be able to come and run it through my sewer vent and lines in the next week or so which makes me super happy hoping that we will be able to figure out why the venting is not working. His camera was gone to be fixed and is in the mail back now. 

I'll keep you updated but will share a jewelry video showing some things I found at a pawn shop and then sorted a jewelry bag as well. Enjoy. 

Have a Blessed day! 

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