
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Two Christmas Dinners - Princess Five in NJ

Hola Hola!

•on Christmas Eve we had district council and one of the senior couples went all out! They made a whole banquet, and then one of the members that owns an ice cream factory walked in dressed as Santa and started throwing the ice cream rejects at us. Let's just say it was not the most effective district council, but it sure was fun!

•That night we had 2 Christmas eve dinners, and we were so stuffed!

•on Christmas day, we took all the hot Chocolate packets we had in our apartment, which is a lot, and we taped pass a long cards to them, and we went to the streets and handed them out. Sister Braer contacted a man, and he ended up calling us a few minutes later asking if he could come to church! And then at night when we were driving home, we still had some left so every time we saw someone walking we would stop them and give them one, most of them were very confused but appreciative.

•on Thursday we had interviews and president is incredible and so loving and understanding!

• we were knocking doors at night and we saw a woman, walking to her front door, her hands were full of groceries, so I offered to open her front door for her, but she hadn't seen us and so she was scared and instead of screaming she froze and sang a single note, like an opera singer, she was not very happy with the whole situation, we felt bad, but we didn't do it on purpose and it ended up being way funny for us.

• a miracle that came for me this week was that we have been teaching a woman named Elyn, she has seemed curious but not very interested in the gospel. But last week when we met with them we met her husband, Cos, the appointment was a little contentious, and you couldn't feel the spirit at all, so this week we were determined to change that, and we did and our appointment was AMAZING. We ended up just reading about the great apostasy with them and talked about what the fullness of the gospel meant, and it was just so good, most importantly the spirit was there! During the lesson we became a little distracted but Cos was super focused and interrupted us and said, "escĂșchame"(listen to me) and then he started reading the pamphlet. He had very sincere questions it was incredible!

I hope you all had a Merry Merry Christmas! Thank you for all your prayers and also all the cards I was sent!

Hermana Princess Five

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