
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Hot Cheeto Bagels and Snow Days - Princess Five in NJ


It's been super chilly this week, and its currently snowing! Our apartment's main living area only has two skylights for natural light, but they are completely covered by snow right now, so that's super fun.

On Monday, we had some new people come to English class, and they asked if we could practice with them outside of class and so we scheduled an appointment with them for the next day. And before they left the man leaned over and said, by the way I'm a member of your church, he was baptized when he was 8 in his country, and doesn't remember a thing, but was excited to learn everything over again. We taught them on Tuesday and they were super excited to read the Book of Mormon! 

Because of transfers we had district council on Wednesday and I sat by 3 of my companions, past and present, which was super crazy. That night we were knocking doors and a man was dropped off by a work truck, so we started talking to him, and asked if we could come later and share a message with him. He said probably not, because he's super busy, so we offered to teach him over video call. He accepted, we taught him over video call, we invited him to church and he came for sacrament meeting! He said he really enjoyed it.

Thanksgiving was fun we went to two houses and had some yummy food, highlight was definitely a green salad which had baby peanut butter cups in it.😂
But the actual highlight was being able to talk to my fam!

We went to Ellis Island on Friday (and I didn't get lost once on the way there or back😅) and while we were there a man asked us how long it would take to print his records, we told him about ten minutes but if he wanted he could get a seven dollar discount by mailing it to his home and he said," yeah, I read that, but we're just gonna pay for the instant gratification". It was super funny!

But anyway it's been a wonderful week here in the NJMM!

Hermana Princess Five 

Hot Cheeto Bagel!
Our friend Dulce at church!

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