
Friday, December 6, 2019

Getting a Fiberglass Shower Floor Fixed in a One Piece Shower

A few months ago I noticed a crack in my shower floor. I could just see one and I rubbed my fingernail over it and it was for sure a crack. 

It was a busy time so I didn't do anything as I thought if it was a crack and leaking, there would be some water damage in the basement. I was working on fixing the furnace issues I was having with finding a way to get the water discharge to a drain.

The next week, I found that I had a paint bubble in the basement and measured the distance from both outside walls to make sure where the shower was dripping thinking it could be from the spigot or the drain as well. 

The water damage was directly under the crack I had found and I noticed that several other small cracks had shown up. I let the shower dry out for a few days to make sure that I wouldn't be sealing water in under the shower. 

I used epoxy fingernail polish that was clear and thick to seal it. I washed the entire floor and then sanded the area lightly and figured it was good. 

About a week later, I noticed a crack on the opposite side of the shower floor and at this point I called a few different plumbers at this point and called one that was reported to fix shower fiberglass. They said they would be around the next week and would get with me about looking and or fixing the floor. 

I never heard from them again and I then decided I would try and fix the problem myself so I went and purchased some epoxy, sanded all the cracks I could find and put the epoxy mix on the sanded cracks and figured I would be good. 

It was about a day or two later, I am in the shower and I felt the floor sag a bit in the front of the shower. I decided at this point that the entire floor was weak most likely do to age and wear so I decided to call the repair company again and got an appointment and today was my lucky day. 

They happened to be doing another job in the area and it came about ten and it took him about an hour to decide what he wanted to do and was on the phone outside for about 25 minutes but about 11 he started working on the shower bed. He explained that he tried to drill and put foam under the base but that there was only about 1/4 inch between the base and the shower floor so he stuffed a strong fiberglass paint mixture under the floor and let it harden.

He then got into the shower and jumped up and down to make sure the floor wasn't going to sag anymore. He felt it was secure and then cleaned, sanded, and prepared the floor for this paint they were going to use. 

He used painters tape to edge the sides of the shower and then painted this white thicker paint and then sprayed a cover over the top of that. He wore a mask and it was SUPER smelly. I had to open all the windows and put a fan in the room and aim it towards the window. 

The fix cost me $325 and they said it should be good for awhile as long as I don't use abrasive cleaners on it. I had watched many fixes on YouTube and thought that they were going to do a fiberglass base but they did this finish instead. 

I am not sure I trust that it will last long as it almost seems like the finish you put on the roof of a trailer to keep the water out and I haven't had much luck with that so I am hoping it lasts as long as they say it will. 

There are places that put down the fiberglass fabric and then finish the entire base that way but I am fine if this fixed it. It was a bit more than I hoped as he said $250 to $325 but it did take him a few hours to finish it. 

It looks good but has to dry for 24 to 48 hours so I can't say how it is to shower in but the white looks "ok" for now but I wonder if it gets dirty and you can't use abrasives on it, it may just look dirty all the time. 

It was an option I hadn't seen on youtube so I am hoping that it will work and last awhile. I noticed the paint bubble area in the basement ceiling looks like it had gotten wet again so I am going to allow it to dry for a few days before fixing that problem. 

I am glad to have something off the list for now. Have a blessed day!

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