
Friday, December 13, 2019

Easy Way of Dehydrating Chicken in Gluten Free Seasonings

Princess One shared something with me during my last visit. I was craving some protein one night, and she said she had some dehydrated chicken. 

In the past, I dehydrated chicken, but it became so hard it was really hard to enjoy as a snack as it could chip a tooth. Even though most of our family enjoyed the texture and flavor, it took forever to eat due to the hardness. I was hoping to make it more like a jerky, but after that time, I never tried to dehydrate it again as my children got older and my life changed.

I wasn't sure I would like her dehydrated chicken and she shared that this is how she makes the chicken and turkey snack. 

She buys bulk poultry and then boils the chicken. Once she has it all boiled and cooked thoroughly, she separates it into different containers and then seasons them. She found a great gluten free product that offers many different types of flavors. She said her neighbor sold them to her. It was a company I had never heard of called. "Save the day" seasoning which can be found at "" as well. 

I guess after they are seasoned, she then puts them into a food processor and turns it on until she feels it is in small enough shreds that they will be easy to eat. I personally like it a bit bigger in size, but for the small children, she makes it sure it is super small. She actually uses the chicken in recipes and likes the Italian seasoning for some of the recipes. 

I couldn't even make the video of the chicken before her oldest was sneaking pieces of the chicken to eat. She really enjoys the snacks and the boys do as well. I keep thinking I will make some, but haven't taken the time to do it yet as we have been super busy since my visit with her. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will ask her for the answer. These are great protein snacks for kids.  

Have a Blessed Day! 

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