
Monday, November 18, 2019

Six Hour Drive and a Birthday Surprise

I was out of town for a few days and had a sibling with a milestone birthday in another town than where I was visiting. I had a six hour drive today to get to his party and then home and it is after 1 a.m. and I am VERY tired and won't make this long. 

It was really nice to be able to see many family members and support my Brother and his family that planned this surprise party for him. 

He told me he was in his pajamas and his wife told him he had better get dressed as someone was coming to visit him. Yep, lots of people visited him. 

I got to see a good friend that lives near him as well and sweet Princess Two drove a few of the hours with me so I had some company to keep me awake as I didn't sleep well while I was away. 

All in all, it was a good long day! I hope you have a blessed day! 

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