
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Methane Gas Escaping Into the Home Through The Toilet - Gas Film In Toilet

I have posted several times about having methane gas escaping into my home due to a blocked sewer vent. 

I had a friend come and put an electronic plumbers power snake down the sewer vent on the roof.  It was only a 50 foot snake and after he left, I could still hear the glugging sound in the house where methane gas is escaping into the home. 

I had hoped that the power snake would have fixed the problem and send the foam that had dropped down into the vent down into the sewer line and solve my problem. 

I then figured maybe if I flooded the sewer vent with a hose, perhaps I could flush the entire vent line. I called my sister for some help with this. I bought 2 new 50 foot hoses. I linked them together and hooked them up to the spigot on that side of the house. 

I had one girl working two baths in the basement to turn them off if the water started to back up into the house. I had one girl looking at the floor drain in the basement to make sure no water was backing up. I had one girl at the base of the ladder to turn on and off the hose in case it backed up. 

I had my sister go into the house and flush the upstairs toilets hoping we could flood the line enough that any of the foam left in the line would be forced down and out to the sewer line. 

I dropped the hose down the straight portion of the line and it was out about thirty feet. It hit the bottom and I couldn't get it around the corner so I had them all turn on the water and flush the toilets. When all that water hit the sewer line, it pulled the hose down into the line very quickly and the hose was fully extended into the sewer vent and line to about 70 feet as the hose had about 20 feet from the spigot, up to the roof and then into the vent. 

Once again, I hoped that the sewer vent was now clear. Within a few minutes, I could hear the glug glugging of the methane gas escaping into the house. 

I began to think that maybe the methane block had been cleared up and that maybe the glugging wasn't methane leaking. I noticed over the next few days as we had lots of hot days, that even when there had not been any water used for ten hours or more, in the afternoon for three days in a row, I heard lots of glugging, but it seems to be on hot days only. 

I have noticed for years that there is an oily / gas water mixture on the surface of the basement toilet water and it looks like gas has been leaking. I have always thought that the noise was coming from the toilet in the basement, but have poured over a gallon of acid drain cleaner down through those drains in the past few weeks. 

I have flushed that toilet in the basement several times in the past few weeks and when I flush it, the oil look leaves and for a few days, it is clear. Then, I hear the glugging and the oily substance is then back in the basement toilet.

After a few weeks, that basement toilet will have moldy lines and bacteria in it even though no one uses that toilet. Also, the water in that toilet gets lower and lower over time and I figured it was just evaporation, but I think the gurgles make it evaporate quicker as sometimes it is super low. 

Also, I am still having symptoms of heart palpitations, dry skin, brain fog, and other symptoms so I am still trying to figure out what is causing the methane to come into the home as obviously my sewer isn't backing up, so I am not sure what is causing the problem. I am still trying to figure it out and am probably going to dig up a sink hole in the yard next. Stay tuned. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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