
Friday, October 18, 2019

The Yard Sale That Wasn't - Busy Fall Schedule

I had such a busy summer, and now fall. Between helping my dad for most of the summer, and then working on his history and now working on my yard to get ready for winter, that things aren't going according to my plans.

I have been getting up early trying to fit more things in each day, but it doesn't seem to matter. I will just find more that needs to be done. I have been going through lots of things trying to clear out on the colder days and working in the yard on the warmer days.

I had scheduled a yard sale for early in the month but it was cold and I didn't get through all the stuff I wanted to get rid of before that date so I am in a bit of a mess with large piles of boxes ready for a yard sale but now it is cold and I cant hold one.

I am debating taking all the stuff to a second hand store or stacking the boxes in the garage for spring. Problem is, I could have used the funds to pay for house taxes and insurance, so dropping it off at the second hand store is looking less a probability as I think I may try and post some of the stuff online. I always think I am going to try this but I am running around so much, I don't have the time to babysit an online sale. I would tell you about my day but I was up at 9 a.m. ish and it is now 4:12 a.m. and I didn't get anything done in the yard, nothing off my major "to do" list, but had a few situations come up in the house that took most of my day and really nothing got solved with that,

so I will be dealing with that tomorrow and may post about it Monday.

I am so grateful for my home but I hate having things getting old that need replacing and I still haven't finished with my furnace issues so it has been a long summer and fall so far.

I am hoping my winter will be less crazy and I can work on getting some quilts made.

Have a Blessed Day!

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