
Friday, October 25, 2019

Scout Pack Meeting Halloween Fun and Creative Game

We had a pack meeting and as we aren't having as many meetings due to summer and school starting, Se didn't have a ton of awards to give so at our meeting a few weeks ago, I suggested and costume party and carnival type meeting celebrating Halloween. 

I took a bunch of carnival games I had purchased over the years and I used to have a "pin the nose on the pumpkin" game I made for the kids school parties but threw it away years ago. I suggested another leader make that game as it is fairly easy. 

The cub master said they would bring a game and another leader brought a tossing game as well. The hit of the night as far as games go would be the  game I shared pictures of. 

The put a case of filled water bottles out around the floor. They put a ball into the bottom of a pair of panty hose and the top of the hose go on the top of the head. They then have to used their head to swing the ball around and knock down the most bottles that they can. 

It was really fun to watch them play that game. I think I may take it to one of our family parties and have them play that. 

We did another activity first that I will share about next week I think but I just wanted to post about this game so I don't forget it, and can look it up later. It is funny that I see something and I think that I won't forget about it but then I get busy and I forget. 

I think everyone had a wonderful time and I took some balloon animal balloons also and they gave out a treat. There were lots of smiles in the end. 

Have a blessed day and enjoy the game! 

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