
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Methane Gas Poisoning Symptoms in Home - Part 2

Check out part one of this post linked here. I went back to the man who told me I had a methane gas problem in my home due to the gurgle sounds that are consistent in my basement. 

I was hoping by using lots of water I could move the sponge down in the sewage vent so it could go into the sewer, but I was still hearing the gurgle sound regularly in the pipes. I was working on cleaning out the dryer vent in the laundry room and had a load of laundry going. I could smell a rotten egg smell in the air. I smelled the floor vent and it wasn't coming from there. I smelled the drainage hose behind the washer and it was for sure coming out of there. 

I went to the man who figured out the methane issue I was having, and he shared that perhaps the sponge got stuck further down in the sewer vent. I bought a small bottle of "Liquid Fire" drain cleaner which is plumbers strength acid. He suggested pouring it down the back drain of the washer and then after allowing it to sit, rinse it with water. 

Meanwhile, I called a propane gas company and asked if they had a way to detect methane gas. They said they didn't have a way to detect it but maybe I should call the fire department. I called them and the chief said they got a new detector but was sure it didn't detect methane gas in the air. He asked if I would like to have someone come and check to see if there were other sources of gas in the home. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I had two wonderful firemen come and check out my home. The detector didn't test for methane, but at least my mind is at ease that I don't have a natural gas leak or something. I had a friend in the past that actually did have a natural gas leak behind her stove so she was lucky they didn't have an explosion. I also had one when someone put in my new hot water heater and luckily I was able to get the gas company here as the man didn't tighten the bolts enough and I had a house full of natural gas. 

I poured 2/3 of the bottle of "liquid fire" into the washer drain and it smelled for a minute and then cleared. I rinsed after about 15 minutes and hoped I had gotten rid of the sponge problem. I finished pouring the rest of the "liquid fire" into my shower just to clean it out of any hair etc as it is the biggest upper drain. 

I was hoping after doing all that, that my problem would be solved. I get up today and hear even fainter gurgles and realize it is now further down the drain. I went back to the plumbing supply store and bought an entire gallon of the "liquid fire" and poured 1/4 down the washing drain and the other 3/4 I poured down the basement shower drain as I could hear that actual gurgling coming out of that drain when cleaning the bathroom today. I poured it in three different times allowing it to sit and then when I finished the gallon in the drain and had it sit for 15 minutes, I ran hot water down the drain for about 5 minutes on high hoping that the problem would clear the line. 

What I think happened is this, when I got the new bottle home, I carefully put some of it on a cotton ball (wearing safety gear) and wanted to see what it would do to a piece of foam. It became a sticky gooey gel type of mess. So, when I would pour the acid down, I think it just dissolved the portion at the bottom of the pipe and made it like a gooey, sticky mess. the rest of the sponge may get pushed down by the water and then I put more acid in and the bottom becomes a gooey mess. It really isn't a sponge, it is a man made foam that he used in the pipe as insulation, so it isn't breaking down well. I think I am to the point where I need to have someone come and drill the pipe out. 

I hear the gurgling still in the pipe and wonder if there was more than one sponge / piece of foam in the line. One higher and one lower. At this point, only the guy that put the foam in my vent knows and with all the acid and snake etc, perhaps I should just pay to have a camera come. I really don't have the funds currently to spend on this and just found another plumbing issue with the fiberglass cracking in my shower and is leaking, so I am going to have to deal with that as it is bubbling the paint in the laundry room ceiling below the shower. I caught it early but now have to figure out what to do in there. 

I really was hoping to get the pruning finished but have spent a few days working on a phone issue as well as this methane gas issue, so for now, the pruning has been on hold. I am hoping to get to it tomorrow and finish up the yard for the year soon. I still have two flower beds that need cutting back as well. 

Having a home is such a wonderful blessing but it is also LOTS of work! Lets hope I can get it all done before it snows! 

When the furnace came on last night, I had a mild headache start and had heart palpitations so I am fairly sure that there still is some methane gas and the furnace intake is low to the ground outside the laundry room and bathroom in the basement so I think the furnace is circulating the gas. I am still venting as much as I can in the house and hope that this nightmare will soon be over and I can enjoy being in my home again. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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